Cherry Vanilla Panna Cotta
How to do it:
1. Place all ingredients except melted butter in mixing bowl.
2. Mix on high speed for 8 minutes.
3. Fold in melted butter.
4. Bake for 20 minutes at 180°C.
Crunch Base:
1. Melt Apito Cooking Chocolate in a double boiler.
2. Stir in Bakels Hazelnut Truffe until homogenized.
3. Fold in the rice crispies.
4. Spread on silicone mat inside a 6” ring mold.
5. Chill in the refrigerator.
Panna Cotta:
1. Warm ¼ of the cream and sugar.
2. Add in bloomed gelatin and remaining cream and sugar. Mix until cooled to 35°C.
3. Add Brite Vanilla Extra Strength.
4. Fold in soft whipped Whip Brite (Combine Whip Brite and cold water. Whip on high speed for 3 minutes.)
Cherry Coulis:
1. Bring water and sugar to a boil.
2. Melt the soaked gelatin in the hot sugar mixture.
3. Combine sugar mixture with Les Fruits Dark Cherry 50%.
4. Fill in 6” ring mold. Freeze overnight.
1. Boil Saphire Neutral and water. Cool to 50°C
2. Add Diamond Glazes.
1. Cut the sponge sheet using a 6” ring mold. Use this as the bottom layer.
2. Pipe panna cotta mousse on top and around the sponge.
3. Place crunch base on top of the mousse.
4. Add the frozen cherry coulis.
5. Fill the sides and surface with panna cotta mousse.
6. Freeze overnight. Glaze and decorate.
Yield: 1 piece x 7” cake