Cluster Bread
How to do it:
1. Dissolve sugar and salt in water.
2. Mix flour, Dobrim Nobro, Bakels Instant Yeast, Monofesh and Balec Lacto Albumen using a spiral dough mixer. Mix on low speed for 30 seconds.
3. Add sugar-salt solution into flour mixture and mix on low speed for 2 minutes.
4. Add Bakels Shortening, Bakels Margarine Special and mix on high speed until dough is well developed.
5. Rest for 10 minutes.
6. Cut and scale dough approximately 50g each. Place fillings then mold dough into hot dog rolls.
7. Put 5 pieces of rolls into loaf pan (small).
8. Proof.
9. Bake at 180°C for 20-25 minutes. Remove from pan and brush with Diamond Glaze Neutral.
Yield: 7 loaves x 250g