Cranberry Pomegranate Entremet
How to do it:
For the Chocolate Base:
1. Combine Fino Choco Cake Mix, Butta BOS and egg in a mixing bowl.
2. Mix until well incorporated.
3. Transfer into a 4” pan and bake at 180°C for roughly 20-30 minutes.
4. Once baked, set aside and let it cool.
For the Cheesecake:
1. In a mixing bowl, mix Whipbrite and cold water on high speed for 3 minutes.
2. Change into a paddle attachment and add the Pettina Cheesecake mix.
3. Add Les Fruits Pomegranate. Continue beating until well.
For the Mousse:
1. Dissolve gelatin in cold water (2).
2. Add the Whipbrite powder, cold water (1) and heavy cream in a mixing bowl and whisk on low speed for 30 seconds.
3. Shift to medium speed and whisk for another 30 seconds.
4. Add cranberry.
5. Fold in gelatin.
1. In a ring mold, press the Fino Choco Cake mixture at the bottom of the pan.
2. Add the cheesecake layer and evenly spread out using an offset spatula.
3. Lastly deposit the mousse.
4. Chill overnight or until set.
Yield: 1 piece 7” x 3” ring mold