Hawaiian Wheaten Bread
How to do it:
1. Place all dry ingredients in a bowl.
2. Dissolve sugar and salt in water and add to dry ingredients. Mix on low speed for 2 minutes.
3. Add Bakels Shortening and Bakels Butteroil Substitute. Mix on high speed for 5 minutes or until dough is developed.
4. Rest for 10 minutes.
5. Scale to 150g.
6. Form into a ball and flatten. Place filling in the middle. Cover with another flattened dough.
7. Place topping.
8. Proof until ready.
9. Bake at 180° C until golden brown.
1. Combine all ingredients.
2. Heat mixture for 5 minutes or until mixture thickens.
3. Set aside.
1. Mix all ingredients. Set aside.
Yield: 6 x 300g dough