How to do it:
1. Place all ingredients into a spiral mixer (calculate dough temperature).
2. Mixing times are 7 minutes (slow) and 9-10 minutes fast (dough temperature is 26°C), until dough is fully developed (Membrane Test).
3. Rest in oiled container for 60 minutes (cover container with lid or plastic).
4. Divide into 350g, mold gently and place 3 baguettes on flat trays.
5. Dry prove (cover rack with plastic) 45 minutes until dough is fully proved (Indentation Test).
6. Using a sieve dust with rye flour and cut 4 times.
7. Pre-heat oven (240° top and 220° bottom), once bread is placed into oven, reduce temperature to (240° top and 220° bottom) and bake for 35 minutes (steam a lot). Open vent after 20 minutes.