How to do it:
1. Mix the ingredients manually to form a dough. Do not develop the dough completely.
2. Rest for 25 minutes.
3. Sheet the dough and apply the roll-in paste. Fold two times, forming 3 layers. Rest.
4. Roll into a baston and rest for 30 minutes.
Roll-in Paste:
1. Mix together to form a paste.
1. Combine the unsifted portion of the sugar in water.
2. Combine flour, sesame seeds and the sifted portion of the sugar.
3. Gradually add the sugar-water mixture until it forms a paste. Add Bakels Shortening and continue mixing.
1. Scale dough to desired weight. Flatten slightly.
2. Put filling at the center. Seals as you would seal a siopao dough.
3. Sheet the dough with a rolling pin.
4. Top with flour and sesame seeds, if desired.
5. Cook on a heated griddle. Cook each side until it turns brown and brittle.
Another option: Cook on the floor of the oven at 250°C until it turns brown. Flip and cook the other side.
Yield: 14 pieces x 60g dough