Biko Cocoa Panna Cotta
How to do it:
1. Cook the glutinous rice (Group Rice).
2. To make coconut syrup (latik), combine coconut milk and brown sugar, and simmer for about 35 minutes until thickened. Stir occasionally while cooking.
3. Add Bakels Cocoa Powder, Cocoa Cream and molasses, and continue stirring.
4. Once the rice is cooked and the coconut milk-sugar mixture is thick enough, add the cooked glutinous rice over the coconut milk mixture. Continue mixing until well combined.
5. Pour the biko mixture in prepared pan and let it cool.
6. Whip coconut milk and Cremess Superior until stiff peaks form. Pipe on the top of the biko and place sliced mango for garnish.
7. Serve as desired and enjoy.
Yield: 30 servings