Cathedral Windows
How to do it:
Gelatin windows:
1. Combine Saphire Neutral and water. Allow to boil while continuously mixing.
2. Remove from pan and weigh 5 x 100 g of Saphire solution.
3. Add Apito flavors in each solution. Mix until well-dissolved.
4. Immediately pour into molders. Refrigerate.
5. Once solidified, invert and cut into cubes.
Cream Mixture:
1. Combine Bakels Condensed Milk and all-purpose cream in a pan. Heat slowly until blended. Remove from flame. Set aside.
2. Dissolve unflavored gelatin in hot water. Stir until gel globules disappear.
3. Immediately add to cream mixture. Mix well.
4. Spread gelatin windows in the cream mixture. Allow to cool.